CAFCO was created in 2014 to respond to a number of needs that, though working in the field and consulting with various groups, its founders identified as existing within the Ottawa area.


Over the past decade, it has become clear that there is a mental health crisis among our youth. The demand far exceeds the supply and CAFCO was founded with the goal to increase access to quality care grounded in research by kind, compassionate professionals.


One of the main barriers young clients face is often often once they find support they are often moved around between a number of overbooked service providers in search of more specialised care, or returned to long wait lists after taking time off from treatment.

CAFCO is designed to offer a stable and welcoming location, providing a consistent standard of care.  By combining the expertise of mental health professionals from a range of fields in one facility, CAFCO also offers the opportunity for multidisciplinary cross-referral, collaboration, and consultation.


CAFCO’s mental health care professionals believe that, in order to properly address the difficulties being faced by our clients, it is important to develop a complete understanding of each client’s particular situation, involving families, schools, and communities, as needed. Children and adolescents, in particular, offer unique challenges within a therapeutic context, and our approach is based within the sphere of developmental psychopathology, which recognizes that each person’s individual development arises from a dynamic interplay of physiological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural influences across time.  We are also very attuned to the role that each client’s attachment to their caregiver(s) plays in any developing problem.


As difficult as mental health services can be to obtain for many families in crisis, this situation can be especially difficult for families whose first language is French.  CAFCO’s directors, and many of its associates, are fluently bilingual and, as a group, we are committed to ensuring equality of service to those in need.